Database Design Section 2 Quiz Answers

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Ilearning quiz answers section 2 database design english quizzes and exams & Database design and exams quiz answers

Section 2 Quiz (Answer all questions in this section)

1. Data models show users the data that their Physical Model will contain. True or False?
True (*)

2. Data modeling is performed for the following reasons: (Choose Two)
(Choose all correct answers)
It helps discussions and reviews. (*)
We do not need datamodels; we can just start coding right away.
We draw an ERD solely to please the users; once completed, the ERD is never referred to again as it serves no purpose in the real world.
The ERD becomes a blueprint for designing the actual system. (*)

3. Data modeling is performed for the following reasons: (Choose Two)
(Choose all correct answers)
We draw an ERD solely to please the users; once completed, the ERD is never referred to again as it serves no purpose in the real world.
It helps discussions and reviews. (*)
The ERD becomes a blueprint for designing the actual system. (*)
We do not need datamodels; we can just start coding right away.

4. Documenting Business Requirements helps developers control the scope of the system and prevents users from claiming that the new system does not meet their business requirements. True or False?
 True (*)

5. Attributes can be either mandatory or optional. True or False?
True (*)

6. Which of the following entities most likely contains valid attributes? (Choose two)
(Choose all correct answers)
Entity: Pet. Attributes: Name, Birthdate, Owner (*)
Entity: Home. Attributes: Number of Bedrooms, Owner, Address, Date Built (*)
Entity: Car. Attributes: Owner Occupation, Owner Salary, Speed
Entity: Mother. Attributes: Name, Birthdate, Occupation, Start Date

7. Entities are usually verbs. True or False?
False (*)

8. Unique Identifiers:
Distinguish one instance of an entity from all other instances of that entity (*)
Distinguish all entities in a database
Distinguish one entity from another
Distinguish nothing

9. Which of the following statements about Entities are true?
(Choose all correct answers)
They never have Instances
A name for a set of similar "things" (*)
They are usually a noun. (*)
"Something" of significance to the business about which data must be known. (*)

10. Which of the following is an example of a volatile attribute?
Age (*)
Hire Date
Date of Birth

11. All of the following could be attributes of an ENTITY called PERSON, except which one
Natacha Hansen (*)

12. Which of the following statements about attributes are true?
(Choose all correct answers)
They must be single valued. (*)
They have a data type, such as number or character string. (*)
They describe, qualify, quantify, classify, or specify an entity. (*)
They are often adjectives.

13. An Entity Relationship model is independent of the hardware or software used for implementation. True or False?
True (*)

14. Entity Relationship modeling is dependent on the hardware or software used for implementation, so you will need to change your ERD if you decide to change Hardware Vendor. True or False?
False (*)

15. Which of the following statements about ERD's is false?
Locate information in a predictable, logical place.
Capture all required information.
Model all information that is derivable from other information already modeled. (*)
Ensure that information appears only once.

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