Database Design Section 3 Quiz Answers

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Database design and exams section 3 quiz answers & ilearning quiz answers for database design english quizzes and exams

Section 3 Quiz (Answer all questions in this section)

1. The many end of a Relationship is called:
Gulls Foot
Crows Foot (*)
Crows Ear
Pigs Ear

2. Which symbol is used to show that a particular attribute is mandatory?
* (*)

3. Matrix Diagrams are developed BEFORE the ERD. True or False?
True (*)

4. Matrix Diagrams are used to verify that all relationships have been identified for an ERD. True or False?
True (*)

5. Matrix Diagrams show Optionality and Cardinality of the ERDs they document. True or False?
False (*)
(Answer all questions in this section)

6. What are the three properties that every relationship should have?
Name, optionality, cardinality (*)
A UID bar, a diamond, an arc
Transferability, degree, name
Name, optionality, arcs

7. Which of the following are true about Relationship Optionality? (Choose two)  
(Choose all correct answers)
Optionality specifies only singularity or plurality, but not a specific plural number.
Optionality specifies a counting number (like 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.) in a relationship.
Optionality specifies whether something is required or not. (*)
Optionality answers "may or must". (*)

8. Which of the following are true about Cardinality? (Choose two)
(Choose all correct answers)
Cardinality specifies whether something is required or not.
Cardinality specifies only singularity or plurality, but not a specific plural number. (*)
Cardinality tells "how many". (*)
Cardinality specifies a counting number (like 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.) in a relationship.

9. Relationships always exist between
2 attributes
2 entities (or one entity and itself) (*)
3 or more attributes
3 or more entities

10. Relationships can be either mandatory or optional. True or False?
True (*)
(Answer all questions in this section)

11. Which of the following are used to show Cardinality on an ERD? (Choose two)
(Choose all correct answers)
Single toe. (*)
Solid line.
Crow's foot. (*)
Dashed line.

12. Relationship names are not shown on an ERD. True or False?
False (*)

13. When reading a relationship between 2 entities, the relationship is read both from left to right and right to left. True or False?
 True (*)

14. ERDish describes a relationship in words. True or False?
True (*)

15. When reading the relationships in an ERD, you are said to be speaking:
ERDish (*)

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