Database Programming Section 4 Quiz - Oracle iLearning

Artikel Terkait Oracle iLearning
Section 4 Quiz
     (Answer all questions in this section)
          1.      Which of the following Date Functions will add calendar months to a date?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
Months + Calendar (Month)
          2.      Which SELECT statement will return a numeric value?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
FROM employees;
SELECT (SYSDATE - hire_date) / 7
FROM employees;
FROM employees;
SELECT ROUND(hire_date, DAY)
FROM employees;
          3.      You need to display the number of months between today's date and each employee's hiredate. Which function should you use?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
          4.      Which function would you use to return the current database server date and time?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
          5.      If hire_date has a value of '03-Jul-2003', then what is the output from this code?
SELECT ROUND(hire_date, 'Year') FROM employees;      Mark for Review
(1) Points
01-Jan-2004 (*)

          6.      Evaluate this function: MOD (25, 2) Which value is returned?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
1 (*)
          7.      ROUND and TRUNC functions can be used with which of the following Datatypes?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
Dates and numbers (*)
Dates and characters
Numbers and characters
None of the above
          8.      Which number function may be used to determine if a value is odd or even?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
MOD (*)
          9.      Which script displays '01-May-2004' when the HIRE_DATE value is '20-May-2004'?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
SELECT TRUNC(hire_date, 'MONTH')
FROM employees;
SELECT ROUND(hire_date, 'MONTH')
FROM employees;
SELECT ROUND(hire_date, 'MON')
FROM employees;
SELECT TRUNC(hire_date, 'MI')
FROM employees;
          10.      The answer to the following script is 456. True or False?
FROM dual;      Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)
(Answer all questions in this section)
          11.      You need to display each employee's name in all uppercase letters. Which function should you use?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
          12.      Identify the output from the following SQL statement:
FROM DUAL;      Mark for Review
(1) Points
SQL*** (*)
          13.      Which query would return a user password combining the ID of an employee and the first 4 digits of the last name?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
SELECT CONCAT (employee_id, INSTR(last_name,1,4))
AS "User Passwords"
FROM employees
SELECT CONCAT (employee_id, SUBSTR(last_name,4,1))
AS "User Passwords"
FROM employees
SELECT CONCAT (employee_id, SUBSTR(last_name,1,4))
AS "User Passwords"
FROM employees
SELECT CONCAT (employee_id, INSTR(last_name,4,1))
AS "User Passwords"
FROM employees
          14.      What will the following SQL statemtent display?
SELECT last_name, LPAD(salary, 15, '$')SALARY
FROM employees;      Mark for Review
(1) Points
The query will result in an error: "ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected."
The last name of employees that have a salary that includes a $ in the value, size of 15 and the column labeled SALARY.
The last name and salary for all employees with the format of the salary 15 characters long, left-padded with the $ and the column labeled SALARY. (*)
The last name and the format of the salary limited to 15 digits to the left of the decimal and the column labeled SALARY.
          15.      Which of the following SQL statements would correctly return a song title identified in the database as "All These Years"?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
WHERE title CONTAINS 'Years';
WHERE title LIKE INITCAP('%all these years'); (*)
WHERE title IN('All','These','Years');
WHERE title LIKE LOWER('all these years');


Oracle Ilearning for Database Design

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Membutuhkan penyelesaian yang berhasil sebelum Ujian Sertifikasi Oracle Database SQL Expert, Pengantar Oracle Ujian Sertifikasi SQL, atau Oracle Database : Ujian Sertifikasi SQL Fundamentals.

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