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HubSpot Academy
HubSpot Social Media Certification dan HubSpot Academy diluncurkan pada November 2018. Dan ini adalah kursus gratis dan pada dasarnya mencakup semua yang mungkin ingin Anda ketahui tentang media sosial untuk membantu Anda mengembangkan bisnis Anda dengan lebih baik, bermanfaat untuk semua jenis orang untuk orang-orang yang ada di bisnis kecil yang merupakan mahasiswa yang ada di perusahaan dan mereka Anda mencari kaki untuk memahami media sosial dengan lebih baik itu adalah kursus penyegaran yang bagus untuk orang-orang yang telah lama berkecimpung di dunia media sosial. Kami memiliki semua jenis universitas yang akan menggunakan Jawaban Sertifikasi Media Sosial HubSpot ini.
Sertifikasi HubSpot Media Sosial memiliki 70 tes pertanyaan dan Anda memiliki dua setengah jam untuk menyelesaikan dan pada dasarnya setelah Anda menyelesaikan tes itu mudah-mudahan Anda dipersenjatai dengan semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan dari segala sesuatu mulai dari bagaimana saya membangun media sosial rencanakan bagaimana cara memonitor bagaimana cara membuat konten bagaimana saya melaporkan konten itu bagaimana saya berpikir tentang tata kelola media sosial dan risiko dan mengembangkan kebijakan untuk karyawan saya, saya menyentuh penjualan sosial dan layanan pelanggan sosial bagaimana bekerja dengan influencer itu benar-benar hanya sup untuk kacang saja.
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Di bawah ini kami telah menyediakan semua Jawaban Sertifikasi HubSpot Media Sosial yang 100% benar, jadi lakukan saja & Semoga Sukses. jika Anda menghadapi masalah apa pun atau ada pertanyaan yang hilang, silakan hubungi kami.
Catatan: Jawaban yang benar terdapat dibawah pertanyaan dengan huruf tebal.
1. Which Network Has The Longest Life For A Piece Of Content?
- Snapchat
2. Which Of The Following Is NOT A Benefit Of Having A Social Media Strategy?
- Social media helps you expand your other marketing efforts.
- Social media helps you send better emails.
- Social media helps you attract buyers.
- Social media is a key driver for word-of-mouth marketing.
3. “Real-Time Marketing” Refers To:
- Developing content and publishing it in the time zone where the majority of your target audience resides.
- Developing content on the fly for local, national, or global events happening online only.
- Developing content on the fly for local, national, or global events happening offline only.
- Developing content on the fly for local, national, or global events happening online or offline.
4. True Or False? A Channel Takeover, Such As Letting An Influencer Run Your Instagram Or Twitter Handle For A Day, Is A Good Idea For Brands.
- False
- True
5. Why Is Content Moderation Important For User-Generated Campaigns?
- To copy the content for use on the company website and in other advertising
- To police any incorrect usage of brand logos and assets
- To engage the community and reward those who go above and beyond
- None of the above
6. Which Of The Following Is NOT A Type Of Influencer?
- Industry
- Attorney
- Content creator
- Local
- Celebrity
7. Which One Of The Below Choices Is NOT A Reason You Should Be Measuring Your Social Media ROI?
- Show influencers how enticing it would be to work with your company.
- Prove the value of social media within your organization.
- Show how social media can impact all departments, ranging beyond Marketing and Sales to HR to Engineering to PR.
- Understand and measure brand reputation and gain control of that conversation.
8. What Is NOT An Example Of A Social Media Crisis?
- Employees going rogue on social media
- A celebrity posting an update that sparks outrage
- These are all examples of a social media crisis.
- A hack into a Twitter account for a major brand
9. True Or False? Your Campaign Should Also Help The Influencer Build Authority And Further Their Own Content Or Reach.
- False
- True
10. What Should You Do To Secure Executive Buy-In If You’re Starting A Social Media Project And Don’t Have A Past Campaign To Use As A Benchmark?
- Research the costs of agencies that can do the work.
- Consider industry research to back up your plan.
- Create a robust PowerPoint with statistics to back up your plan
- Position your program as an experiment or pilot.
11. What Is The Main Benefit Of Using Animated GIFs In Social Content?
- They help you make light of what would otherwise feel like serious content.
- They help you show how culturally in-touch you are.
- They help you demonstrate complex concepts quickly and easily.
12. Why Would You Want A Service To Help You Manage And Discover Influence?
- To identify individuals who have the biggest following and high social clout
- To help you discover what hashtags are working the best
- To determine which channels are the most important
- To know what type of customer information to regularly monitor
13. Why Do You Need To Develop A Business Case For A New Social Monitoring Technology?
- It’s an important skill for professionals to be able to analyze and communicate the return on investment expected from their requested budget.
- So that after the investment is made, you can go back and see whether it has lived up to expectations.
- Social monitoring technology is particularly expensive and difficult to determine a return on investment.
- To clearly outline the expected value gained from a software investment and set the expectation with your manager of how you’ll realize that value.
14. Voice Refers To:
- A particular identity or image that’s regarded as an asset to a company
- The distinct and steady personality or style of your brand.1
- The moods and attitudes of specific content pieces, which can change depending on the channel, the situation, and the audience.
- The set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name.
15. Why Is User-Generated Content (UGC) So Important? Choose All That Apply.
- UGC improves site engagement and time spent on the website.
- UGC provides means for other users to connect, which then builds a stronger community.
- UGC helps brands understand their target audience.
- UGC is inherently peer reviewed, making it more trustworthy.
16. Posting Curated Content On Social Shows Your Audience You’re Committed To:
- Posting only your own content.
- Re-posting all the content that they share with you.
- Creating value for them.
17. In What Stage Of The Buyer’s Journey Would An Advertisement For A Free Trial Of Your Product Be Most Appropriate?
- Decision stage
- Consideration stage
- Awareness stage
- Evaluation stage
18. You Bid $5.00 On A Click On Your Facebook Ad. The Next Highest Bidder Only Pays $3.00 To Target An Ad At The Exact Same Audience. How Much Will Facebook Make You Pay To Win The Bid?
- $2.99
- $3.01
- $3.00
- $5.00
19. True Or False? To Implement An Effective Social Media Strategy, You Have To Be Aware Of The Legal Challenges, Not Ethical Ones.
- True
- False
20. Which KPI Is Most Likely To Be A Vanity Metric?
- Engagement
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Reach
- Retention and loyalty
21. If You Don’t Have Your _____________ In Mind As You’re Developing Content And Social Campaigns, Then You Probably Aren’t Using Social As Effectively As You Could Be.
- Business goals and buyer personas
- Competitors
- Revenue targets
- Budget
22. Why Should You Be Careful About Monitoring Competitors?
- Your competitors can tell when you’re monitoring them, and they may get offended and retaliate.
- Competitors aren’t the only reason people don’t buy your product or service.
- Competitive intelligence is best used for highly competitive markets only.
- It’s easy to get consumed with competitive intelligence and lose sight of your unique strategy and customer.
23. True Or False? A Buyer Persona Is As Important As Business Objectives When Developing A Social Media Strategy.
- False
- True
24. When It Comes To Social Listening, How Do You Know Which Social Networks To Start With?
- Start with the social networks your buyer personas use to learn about and interact with brands.
- If you haven’t started your social presence by now, unfortunately it’s too late.
- Facebook has over two billion monthly active users, so start there.
- Create an account on all of them, and see which ones your audience gravitates towards.
25. Why Are Hashtags Helpful?
- To keep track of ephemeral content that disappears
- To demonstrate to executives the power of organic reach on a piece of content
- To aid search, track campaigns, and to influence the creation of user-generated content
- All of the above
26. Which Of The Following Is NOT An Example Of Active Language You Should Use On A Call-To-Action?
- “Subscribe here”
- “More here”
- “Donate”
- “Watch”
27. Which Type Of Influencer Might Be Primarily Behind The Scenes In Your Marketing Campaign?
- Micro-influencers
- Content creators
- Celebrity
- Local
- Industry influencers
28. True Or False? It’s Not A Good Policy To Delete All Negative Comments.
- False
- True
29. What Did Fashion Brand Burberry Do To Revolutionize How Marketers Use Social Media?
- Invited their fans to share photos of their trench coat
- Ran a massive Facebook campaign to advertise their brand to fans
- Developed a highly successful public relations campaign that used social media to share their messages
- Began working with a famous influencer to take over their Instagram feed
30. Which Of The Following Would Not Contribute To Ad Fatigue?
- Using only Facebook for your advertising strategy
- Offering the same ebook in your ad for two months straight
- All of these would contribute to ad fatigue
- Using the same image on your ad for over a month
31. There Are Certain Actions That Need To Be Taken Into Consideration For A Social Media Crisis. What’s An Action You Should Avoid?
- Pausing marketing emails
- Assessing the planned blogging and campaign schedule for appropriateness
- Sending out promotional sponsored posts and tweets during a crisis
- Creating a blog post to address the situation as needed
32. How Can Social Media Listening Increase Customer Advocacy?
- Responding to social posts—whether they’re positive or negative— shows that you’re listening, and your customers are being heard.
- Responding only to positive social posts and re-sharing them tells the rest of your followers how great you are.
- Responding only to negative social posts with helpful, knowledgeable responses shows that you care.
- Responding to a social post within one hour shows that your company is full of social- savvy whipper snappers.
33. What Is One Of The Major Benefits Of Facebook Lead Ads?
- Facebook will serve these ads on Pinterest in addition to Facebook.
- The pre-filled form in Facebook makes it super easy for your audience to convert on—especially on mobile.
- They only serve your ads to a small group of highly qualified people.
- They’re optimized for a desktop audience, which is proven to convert better than mobile users.
34. Why Do Stakeholders Matter As You Begin To Develop Your Team Structure?
- Stakeholder needs may be the same as your needs and their buy-in may help you influence senior leaders.
- Stakeholders help you plan for the future.
- Stakeholders help you decide if you need to develop a team to help you do social advertising.
- Stakeholders help you determine how social media for your company will change in the next year, three years, or five years.
35. What Do Senior Leaders Care About When It Comes To Your Social Media Plan? Choose All That Apply.
- Competitive advantage
- Sentiment
- Click-through rates
- Number of social followers
- Customer satisfaction
36. Which Of The Below Is Not One Of The Five Types Of Social Media Models?
- Dandelion
- Holistic
- Distributed
- Hub and Spoke
37. True Or False? The Longer Your Social Posts, The More Likely That Content Will Be Seen And Re-Shared.
- True
- False
38. True Or False? The Best Way To Choose The Right Social Media Tool Is To Think About Your Business Goals, Then Narrow Down Your Choices Based On That Goal Criteria.
- False
- True
39. How Can Social Media Monitoring Inform Your Sales And Product Teams?
- Your competitors’ marketing material can be copied and used for your own product or service.
- Customer feedback, whether positive or negative, can help sales people and product teams better solve for the customer’s needs.
- Your product team can explain to customers exactly why they built that feature a certain way.
- Your sales team can listen to their closed/won deals and find great upsell opportunities via social listening.
40. What Is NOT A Way That A Brand Can See Financial Gain From Doing Social Customer Service?
- Using a social media agency to deliver content to customers
- Increased sales
- Less returns as individuals do more self-service via social media
- Saving money on call center interactions
41. True Or False? Asking For Reviews Is Something You Should Never Do In Social Media.
- True
- False
42. The Number Of Leads You Generate That Actually Become Paying Customers Is Known As Your ________.
- average conversion rate
- average revenue
- average lifetime value of a customer
- average lead-to-customer rate
43. Which Of The Below Is NOT One Of The Three Factors Determining How An Influencer Can Impact Behavior?
- Relevance
- Reach
- Recognition
- Resonance
44. True Or False? Social Media Helps People Feel INFORMED By Helping Them Learn New Things, Stay Up To Date On Topics That Matter To Them, And Discover New Ideas And Trends.
- False
- True
45. What Is The Biggest Challenge That Most Social Media Practitioners Have?
- Hiring the right number of people
- Getting executive buy-in for social ideas
- Developing the right amount of content
- Retaining customers
46. True Or False? Social Content Is Only Used During The Attract And Delight Stages Of The Inbound Methodology.
- True
- False
47. True Or False? Humanizing Your Brand Gives You A Competitive Edge Because People Like Making Connections, And They Like To Invest Their Time And Money In People They Can Relate To.
- False
- True
48. What Is A Social Media Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
- The agreement a company makes to commit to answering social media responses in a specific amount of time
- A contract between a service provider and a customer regarding the scope of the in- person or over-the-phone service to be provided
- A confidentiality agreement that creates a legal obligation to privacy and compels those who agree to keep any specified information obtained in social media secure
- An agreement designed to regulate the relationship between a provider of social media marketing services and a client for those services
49. True Or False? Canned Messages Are A Quick And Easy Way To Reach A Wide Audience In Social Media To Find The Right Prospects.
- True
- False
50. Which One Of The Following Is NOT A Way That UGC Can Help Marketers?
- Provide social proof and amp up your credibility
- Provide deep insight into the effectiveness of your content mix
- Boost SEO
- Enable you to get past ad blockers because the content doesn’t come through like a typical ad
- Extend your budget
51. True Or False? It’s Always Better To Target Your Ads Towards As Broad A Group Of People As Possible.
- True
- False
52. True Or False? Evaluating The Team Dynamics And How Each Member Did In The Crisis Along With Analyzing The Reactions, KPIs, And Overall Response To The Crisis Happens During The Response Stage.
- True
- False
53. What’s The Difference Between Social Listening And Social Monitoring?
- Social listening involves answering and responding to specifically support questions, while social monitoring is for the purpose of marketing intelligence and research.
- Social listening centralizes conversations about your brand so that you can join them, while social monitoring measures reputation from higher- level perspective.
- Social listening can only be done natively within each social media site, whereas social monitoring requires technology to aggregate sentiment from various places.
- Social listening is done by your sales team to find new opportunities, while social monitoring is done by your marketing team to learn what competitors are doing.
54. Which Of The Following Social Media Expenses Do You Want To Track So You Can Calculate ROI On Your Marketing Campaigns? Choose All That Apply.
- Work hours
- Agency or freelance costs
- Social media software and services
- Content development expenses
- Advertising costs
55. True Or False? The Holistic Model Is The Most Common Social Team Structure Used By Organizations Today.
- True
- False
56. What Should You Do If Your Competitor Has A Big Public Blunder?
- Maintain a helpful approach and have empathy for the company’s missteps. Reply thoughtfully and empathetically to posts where appropriate.
- Send my sales team to follow up with every negative post about the incident so that we can take this opportunity to win their business.
- Amplify the competitor’s blunder, telling your followers “See this? We would never do this.”
- Stay completely silent and make sure your company never experiences the same thing.
57. True Or False? Jumping Onto An Unrelated Hashtag To Promote Your Material Is Spammy.
- False
- True
58. True Or False? Commissions For Celebrity Influencers Are Generally 5% Of The Sale.
- True
- False
59. When Should A Salesperson Put Forth The Sales Pitch In Social Media?
- After a prospect follows them back on a social channel
- After the first casual conversation you have with the person in social media
- After sufficient rapport has been built and the customer is looking for what you have to sell
- A month after you follow the prospect on social media
60. True Or False? If You’re Posting The Same Content Across Different Channels, Make Sure You Post Them Simultaneously—On The Same Days And At The Same Times.
- True
- False
61. What Is A Social Media Audit?
- A method to direct your audience in all channels to the best way they can have a conversation with you
- A way to reach your customers and prospects in unprecedented ways, with greater reach and more specific targeting than ever before
- A tool to look for unhappy customers of a competitor and reach out with an offer to help, thus generating leads
- A hard look at the data from all your social accounts and the social conversations about your brand and your competitors
62. You’re Starting A Project And Don’t Have A Past Campaign To Use As A Benchmark. How Can You Secure Executive Buy-In?
- Research the costs of agencies that can do the work.
- Position your program as an experiment or pilot.
- Consider industry research to back up your plan.
- Create a robust PowerPoint with statistics to back up your plan.
63. What’s The First Step Organizations And Brands Need To Take When Establishing A Social Media Policy?
- Reward the employees who are shining stars and are doing the right things on social media.
- Research best case studies for brands that are using social media policies effectively.
- Determine what not to do for social media policies for employees.
- Educate employees on the importance of having a social media policy for all team members within the organization.
64. True Or False? Social Listening Can Help You Find Leads.
- False
- True
65. Why Should You Talk Directly With Your Social Followers And Prospects?
- Build your brand
- Increase customer loyalty
- Improve reputation
- All of the above
66. The _________ Stage Focuses On Creating Message Maps And Listening Protocols On Social Media.
- recovery
- response
- preparation
- crisis
67. True Or False? Simon Sinek Says That People Want To Buy What You Have. They Don’t Care About What You Believe.
- True
- False
68. Fill In The Blank: Instagram Stories Are A Great Way To _____________.
- drive traffic and engagement
- demonstrate complex concepts quickly and easily
- directly message a customer to answer a question
- deliver video podcasts
69. True Or False? Curating Content Means Publishing Someone Else’s Content As If It Were Your Own.
- True
- False
70. Do Brands Have Legal Ownership Over Content That Users Generate About Their Brand?
- Yes
- No
71. Fill In The Blank: “Facebook Ads Is Great For Targeting Based On _______, While Google AdWords Targets Based On Your Audience’s ________.
- problems; ideas
- buyer stage; interests
- interests; intent
72. True Or False? When Measuring Your Social Media ROI, You Calculate The Effectiveness Of An Action By Dividing The Net Income By The Cost Of This Action And Multiplying It By 100.
- False
- True
73. Which Of These KPIs Demonstrate Engagement? Choose All That Apply.
- Direct sales revenue from social media
- Likes or Favorites
- Sharing and retweets
- Mentions
- Customer satisfaction
74. True Or False? Selling To Prospects By Messaging Them On Facebook Could Be Seen As Invading Their Private Space.
- False
- True
75. True Or False? In Social Media, A Service Level Agreement (SLA) Refers To How Much Time Passes Between When A Customer Reaches Out And When The Company Responds.
- False
- True
76. Let’s Say You Conduct A Content Audit On Your Competitors And See That They’re Having Success With Live Video, But You Haven’t Really Tried Live Video Yet. What Might You Do?
- Immediately start doing live video on every channel to take back your audience.
- Give up – they’ve already won the space, and it’s doubtful you can catch up at this point.
- Test out live video on different channels, and see how your audience responds.
77. True Or False? “Earned” Media Is Exposure Your Brand Has Paid For, E.G., Advertising Or Promotions.
- True
- False
78. What Do We Mean When We Say You Should Post An “80/20 Mix” On Social Media?
- 80% of your social content should promote your brand, and 20% of your social content should be anything that truly interests your audience and engages them in conversations.
- 20% of your social content should be video that interests your audience, and 80% should be content that promotes your brand.
- 20% of your social content should promote your own brand, and 80% of your social content should be anything that truly interests your audience and engages them in conversations.
79. There Are Many Benefits To Having A Social Media Strategy. Which Answer Is NOT One Of Them?
- Social media helps you expand your other marketing efforts.
- Social media helps you send better emails.
- Social media helps you attract buyers.
- Social media is a key driver for word-of-mouth marketing
80. True Or False? You Should Make Sure Experimentation Is Ingrained In Your Strategic Plan.
- False
- True
81. When Developing Your Brand’s Tone, _______ Is Key.
- context
- timing
- budget
- personality
82. True Or False? When You Use Language In Your Social Responses That Is Too Casual, You Lose The Respect Of Your Audience.
- True
- False
83. An Ad For Your Upcoming Webinar On Network Security Should Lead People Directly To ___________.
- a blog post on network security
- your home page
- your About Us page
- a landing page where they can quickly sign up for the webinar
84. Why Are UTM Parameters So Valuable To Your Social Listening And Monitoring Program?
- They help my pages load faster via social networks.
- They allow me to track where traffic is coming from on social media.
- They track who initially shared my company’s content out on social media.
- They’re really just a nice-to-have for big marketing campaigns.
85. True Or False? The World Has Changed And So Has How We Think About Inbound, Which Is Why Advertising Should Be Considered Part Of Your Marketing Playbook.
- False
- True
86. Visual Images Are Usually Things Like ________. Choose All That Apply.
- photos
- infographics
- animated GIFs
- illustrations
87. True Or False? One-To-One Engagement Doesn’t Result In Customers Spending More.
- True
- False
88. Why Do You Need To Use Leading Indicators Of Revenue Success When Calculating ROI On Your Social Media Strategy?
- It’s difficult to know how much revenue is generated from a sale that originates from a social media campaign.
- Understanding how you stack up to your competition can help you pivot and make better business decisions.
- It can be months before you’ve closed new customers from a social media campaign.
- Calculating ROI on social media is super hard to prove.
89. On Which Social Network Should You Share Content Most Frequently?
90. True Or False? You Should Revisit Your KPIs Every 18 Months.
- True
- False
91. Why Should You Trust The Influencer And Give Them Creative License?
- They’re famous.
- They might sabotage your brand if you don’t let them do things their way.
- They might enlist their famous friends to help your brand.
- They understand their audience and what they want.
92. True Or False? It’s Necessary To Conduct A Social Media Audit Every 2–3 Years.
- True
- False
93. A(N) ________ Outlines Guidelines And Best Practices For Employees To Follow On Social Media.
- advocacy plan
- crisis plan
- social media policy
94. True Or False? 12% Of People Generate 70% Of The Impact Online.
- True
- False
95. What Is Social Selling The Inbound Way?
- When a salesperson sends a direct message to a new follower with an offer or request to go to the company’s website
- When a salesperson follows all a prospect’s social media channels and tags them with regular product offers
- When a salesperson provides value by offering thoughtful content and answering questions for prospects
- When a salesperson supplements their social posts with digital advertising
96. How Much Of The Buyer’s Journey Is Digital?
- 67%
- 20%
- 52%
- 90%
Demikianlah Soal dan Kunci Jawaban HubSpot Social Media Certification. Dengan Sertifikasi Social Media, HubSpot Academy mengakui kemampuan Anda. Selamat ujian dan semoga lulus!!
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