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Download Ebook Mengenal Javascript. DAFTAR ISI:
Ebook Mengenal Javascript
Bab 1. Intro
1.1 ECMAScript 5
1.2 Testing Environment
Bab 2. Sintaks, Variabel & Tipe Data
2.1 Variabel
2.2 String
2.3 Number
2.4 Array
2.4.1 Array Function
2.5 Object
2.6 Introspeksi
2.7 Boolean dan Kondisional
2.7.1 Logika
2.7.2 Perbandingan
2.7.3 Pencabangan
2.7.4 Ternary Operator
2.7.5 switch-case
2.8 Perulangan
2.8.1 for
2.8.2 for-in
2.8.3 while
2.8.4 do-while
Bab 3. Function
3.1 Function Sederhana
3.2 Scope Chain
3.3 Callback
3.4 Self-Invoking Function
3.5 Return Function
3.6 Closure
Bab 4. OOP
4.1 Object Properties & Methods
4.2 Constructor Function
4.3 Inheritance
Bab 5. Penutup
5.1 What next?
5.2 Referensi
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